Erectile problems in men occur between the ages of 30 and 50. Specialists have developed special preparations to restore potency, you can also use folk remedies, dietary supplements and vitamin complexes. It is worth explaining in more detail how to increase potency in men naturally without going to the doctor.

How to get the best results from treatment
A man can increase potency in many ways, but first you need to determine the cause of erectile dysfunction. First, factors that can negatively affect the functioning of the penis are eliminated. Eliminate stress, nervous experiences, serious psycho-emotional and physical stress. If this does not help, you should consult a doctor to find out the cause. For some problems, it is enough to use folk methods, in other cases, only drug treatment is suitable. Today, doctors use the following treatment methods:
- gymnastics and exercises;
- take medicine;
- the use of tablets containing testosterone;
- stimulation of the penis with devices (physiotherapy);
- normalization of nutrition and selection of diet;
- treatment with herbs and folk recipes;
- using massage techniques.
These methods can be used individually or in combination. For severe symptoms of impotence, doctors may prescribe surgery.
Preventive measures
Before looking for ways to strengthen male erection, you should learn how to avoid this problem:
- Food. In order for a man not to experience symptoms of erectile dysfunction, he should saturate his body with useful substances. It is important to eat proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, as well as healthy fats. Potency is well affected by garlic, carrots, onions, nuts, peas and beans. These products contain zinc and selenium, which help in testosterone production.
- Weight. If the patient does not follow the weight, then he quickly develops vascular pathologies, and diabetes mellitus may also develop. All these diseases lead to problems with blood vessels, which means a violation of potential in the future. In addition, extra pounds suppress the production of testosterone by increasing the level of female hormones in the blood.
- Active lifestyle. Exercising or jogging in the morning is good for everyone, but men over 30 need it. Daily physical activity improves the condition of blood vessels and normalizes testosterone production. Filling allows you to keep the body in good condition, which is important with signs of potential disorders.
- Exercises. There are a number of special exercises designed specifically to strengthen the muscles in the pelvic area. They are also effective for prostatitis symptoms.
- Rest. Daily and proper rest helps the body to restore the work of all systems. A man should sleep in darkness and silence, the rest period is 7-8 hours.
- sex life. Abstinence has a negative effect on erectile function, so a man should have sex regularly. It is advisable to have sex with a partner.
- Bad habits. Smoking and drinking alcohol have a negative effect on potency. If a man wants to maintain an erection for many years, he should give up bad habits.
- stress. Depression and emotional stress affect men's health. It is advisable to avoid stress and emotional overload.
Urologists say that sexually transmitted diseases can cause impotence. Therefore, you should be examined every 6 months.
What are the ways to increase erection?
Doctors have developed various methods of how to increase male potential, they are used together or they use only one of the methods:
- psychotherapy;
- treatment with hormonal drugs;
- purchase of funds to restore erection;
- surgical intervention;
- practice, practice and practice;
- traditional medicine recipes;
- diet food.
Before choosing one of the treatment methods, you should be examined by a doctor. A urologist and andrologist will be able to determine the cause of the pathology and choose therapy.
Physical education and gymnastics
An easy way to improve potency is to use exercises that accelerate blood circulation and improve blood flow to the pelvic organs. Experts have developed a set of physical activities that allow you to strengthen muscles and improve blood flow:
- Squat down. The benefit of this exercise is the increase in blood circulation, along with the exercise of the pelvic floor muscles. A man should spread his legs shoulder-width apart and then do a deep squat until he stops.
- Bicycle. A popular way to strengthen the groin muscles. The patient lies on his back and then raises his legs and simulates riding a bicycle.
- A soldier's step. It is necessary to raise the knees by pulling them to the chest area. Hands remain on the belt.
- stone storage. Hands are placed on the belt, after which the man bends, but not all the way. When the legs are bent at the knees, you should squeeze and relax the hip muscles. This is done 10 times, after which the patient returns to the starting position.
- Tension. The patient lies on his back, then bends his knees and separates them. In this case, you need to tense and relax the muscles of the inguinal region. No need to squeeze your breasts.
- Lifting the pelvis. The man lies on his back, then begins to raise and lower the pelvis.
- Run in place. There is no need to raise your feet high here, because the socks should not come off the floor. The method helps to increase blood flow to the genitals.

With the correct and constant execution of such exercises, the pelvic muscles will be strengthened, which will have a positive effect on erectile function.
Using folk recipes
Erection problems in men also arose in ancient times when there were no drugs that restore the functions of the penis. Then folk recipes used to quickly increase the potential in a person came to the rescue. These recipes are used today, the most effective:
- Nettle decoction. It is prepared by adding chopped nettles to red wine. 5 tablespoons of dry grass are used for half a liter of drink. The agent is boiled for 10 minutes, then cooled, filtered and taken one spoonful before each meal.
- Hazelnut tincture. For it, 20 walnut shells are taken and 0. 5 liters of alcohol are poured. The remedy is insisted for at least 15 days, after which 30 drops are taken 2 times a day.
- Honey and nuts. Such a tool is able to immediately increase the level of libido, as well as restore potency. Crushed cashews and walnuts are used, mixed in equal proportions and honey is added there. It is necessary to take 1 tablespoon of the medicine before eating.
- calamus root. Add 1 tablespoon of crushed carrot and 1 tablespoon of violet flowers to 100 ml of boiling water. The remedy is brewed for 20 minutes, filtered and taken one tablespoon 4-5 times a day.
- date broth. These dried fruits have a powerful effect on the body, they are not only nutritious but also have a positive effect on erectile function. Ten dates are placed in a bowl and 2 cups of water are poured over them. The broth is prepared for 20 minutes, after which it is filtered. You need to drink 3 times a day.
A person can choose the method of treatment himself, but it is worth remembering that folk recipes also have contraindications.

Products that have a positive effect on erection
If a man experiences the first signs of impotence, he should reconsider his diet. It is recommended to remove the entire list of harmful products from the menu, which includes fatty, spicy, fried and salty foods. The diet should include substances that can increase libido and fill the body with necessary vitamins and minerals:
- Sea products. It will be useful for the patient to eat sea fish, mussels, shrimps, octopus and caviar.
- Vegetables. Carrots, onions, cabbage, garlic, beets, horseradish, turnips, celery and ginger should be preferred among vegetables.
- nuts. Raw almonds, cashews, walnuts, peanuts, pine nuts.
- Berries and dried fruits. Grapes, raisins, strawberries, dates, raspberries, bananas.
It is also important to include lean meats in the diet, it can be beef, turkey, chicken, rabbit meat. Useful quail and chicken eggs, olive oil and dark chocolate. It is recommended to cook food in boiled or baked form.
Vitamins and minerals for male potency
Vitamin complexes help to improve the erectile function of men. You can buy supplements with full vitamin and mineral content in pharmacies. Such complexes help normalize sexual activity and increase libido. The most popular drugs are:
- A vitamin supplement prescribed for men with reduced potency. It contains natural ingredients and beneficial substances that increase sexual desire.
- A complex specially designed to support the reproductive function in the male body. It is a natural and natural stimulant that helps to create an erection at any age. The drug normalizes the work of the nervous system and increases brain activity.
- A complex that has a good effect with high physical strength and constant stress.
- Vitamins A and E. Accelerate metabolic processes in the body, improve blood circulation in capillaries and blood vessels.
- A dietary supplement that can be used for premature ejaculation as well as to increase erection. It is better not to use such a drug for diseases of the veins and heart.
Before improving erection with vitamin complexes, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications of these drugs. Vitamins cannot act as a full-fledged treatment, they only provide support during therapy.

Use of modern medicines
With serious problems, doctors use medicinal methods to increase male potency. Medicines can help relieve the symptoms of sexual impotence and can also increase libido. Doctors prescribe patients:
- Phosphodiesterase inhibitors. These drugs allow the walls of blood vessels to relax, which accelerates the process of filling the penis with blood. The effect of the drug appears 30 minutes after taking it and lasts for 2-6 hours.
- Nitric oxide donors. After using the tablet, the process of formation of nitric oxide in the body is activated, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the vessels. Smooth muscles relax and an erection occurs. The course of treatment is about 2 weeks.
- Androgens. They are designed to increase the amount of testosterone in the blood. Androgen drugs normalize the hormonal background, thereby normalizing erectile function. Such drugs are prescribed in the form of injections or tablets. The course of treatment is chosen by a urologist or andrologist.
There are contraindications for the use of drugs and side effects. Read the instructions before starting therapy.
Erectile dysfunction can become a serious problem, especially if symptoms begin in your 20s or 30s. Self-medication is not recommended. A man should contact a urologist to determine the cause of the disturbances. The doctor will be able to choose the appropriate therapy and explain how to increase the potency.